Hi Everyone,
First I want to start off by introducing myself to everyone. My name is Jason Discello, known to my friends as "Dice", and I am the internet sales manager at Preston Motors. I am a graduate of Westminster College where I earned a BA degree in Business Administration/Accounting. At Westminster I played football for 4 years and was also a member of a national fraternity, Sigma Nu.
When creating this blog, the internet department had challenged me to come up with something unique. With that being said, I am now introducing the "Dice Challenge." The idea behind this challenge is to gather suggestions on different things I should do throughout the week, WITHIN REASON that is. When i presented this idea to the group I was feeling pretty good about it, that is until one of my co-workers suggested my first task, walk to work. Every Wednesday be sure to check and see what my challenge was for the week and if I completed it.
The floor is now open to suggestions and votes............
p.s. we have to out vote the whole walk to work idea
Just to let you know...I will be filming the Rock Star machine that is known as Dice Money drink all six (not at the same time) so vote accordingly.