"On behalf of the thousands of Honda associates in Ohio, past and present, I want to thank our local communities and the people of Ohio for their support and friendship during the past 30 years," said Honda of America President and CEO Hidenobu Iwata. "The significant growth we have experienced in Ohio would not have been possible without the trust and support of our community partners." During the tree-planting event, Iwata announced that Honda's auto plant in East Liberty, Ohio, will be the production site* for the new Honda Accord Crosstour crossover utility vehicle (CUV). The East Liberty Auto Plant recently earned the J.D. Power and Associates' 2009 Gold Plant Award for having the highest quality of any auto plant in North America. Going on sale this fall, the Accord Crosstour will be positioned at the top of the Accord lineup.
This is especially encouraging to hear because not only has Honda made a major investment in the US economy, but business is thriving and growing. Their not closing plants down or eliminating shifts on the assembly line. They are flourishing. I found this information especially interesting due to the fact that almost all of my 6 years in the car business have been dealing with foreign cars and foreign car companies. Obviously this meant changing a lot of peoples perceptions about what a "foreign" car company was. When I saw that Honda was celebrating this landmark it was just another example of how much these companies have invested not only in the American economy, but our local economy.
Honda became the first Japanese automaker to manufacture products in America when it opened its first U.S. plant in Marysville, Ohio. On Sept. 10, 1979, 64 Honda associates began producing the CR250 Elsinore off-road motorcycle in Marysville. The startup was so successful that Honda quickly announced plans to build an adjacent auto plant. The first Japanese auto plant in America, the Marysville Auto Plant started producing four-door Honda Accords in November 1982.
Over the past 30 years, Honda plants in Ohio have produced more than 13 million automobiles, 17 million engines, 1 million motorcycles, 2 million all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), and nearly 13 million automatic transmissions.
Over the next 30 years you can expect to see extremely exciting vehicles, Like the all new Honda Accord Crosstour pictured below, continue to be made right in your backyard. Keep your eyes open for more details on this ultra versatile vehicle. Expected to hit my lot soon!
Walt Kustra
Internet Sales Manager
Preston Honda
E-Mail: wkustra@prestonauto.com
Office#: 1(888) 839-7855
Cell#: 724-730-0257
Fax#: 724-658-2261
Instant Messenger: PrestonHondaNCPA
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