Let me ask a question. Can anyone have an argument without involving google or youtube? In the past, if you were in a heated debate over something it usually ended in agreeing, disagreeing, or agreeing to disagree! Now, a few simple punches on the keyboard or blackberry and.....BOOM there is an answer. I ran into this the other day while I was having a little argument with my mom. As we sat there talking about the new 2010 Taurus she asked if I had remembered the old Ford commercial "have you driven a Ford lately?". I said yes, but I recalled it being "have you driven a Taurus lately?". No need for an argument because within minutes youtube was up and running. Unfortunately, I had to watch the old and corny commercial in disappointment. Another loss in the youtube court of arguments. I was not sad for long because there is nothing old and corny about the new 2010 Taurus!!!! Please check this car out and be prepared to be amazed with brand new Microsoft SYNC system and 3.5L EcoBoost v6 engine. So let me ask you...have you driven a Taurus lately?
Great post Chris, can't believe I'm saying this but that Taurus looks awesome!