Monday, April 19, 2010

Volley for Youth

On Friday, April 16 into Saturday April 17, the New Castle Community YMCA hosted the “Volley for Youth” Play-a-Thon at the Preston-Chambers Y-Zone. For years, Contact Ears, co-sponsored by the New Castle Community YMCA, hosted the event up until 2008 when they left the community. This year, the NCCY decided to bring the successful event back with the help of Preston Toyota Scion and Scion’s sponsorship.

Letters were sent to community members from different churches, agencies, and businesses like Preston Auto to encourage them to form teams of 3 males and 3 females to play and participate. Each team was asked to raise at least $300 to donate to the cause, in order to help the Y-Zone reach their intended goal of $5,000. All proceeds went to the NCCY Annual Campaign for Youth. The campaign helps YMCA’s program which never turns away a child from the YMCA because of their inability to pay for services. Through different scholarships, students are able to participate in sports and after school programs at the Y-Zone and meet new friends at no cost.

Branch director of the Y-Zone Sam Migliano explains how events like the “Volley for Youth” are so important to the Y-Zone’s overall mission. Migliano said, “It’s the tremendous work we do for our community. It’s our mission to help these families, it’s our passion. You see the stories of the different families, and that’s why we do what we do.”

The Preston team always tries to remain involved in the community, especially the Y-Zone. Some of the Preston family formed a team to support the Preston Toyota Scion and Scion sponsorship and the team overall donated $2,500 to the “Volley for Youth” event. The Preston team 1 of 7 teams that played in the competition on Friday night into Saturday, April 16-17.

Bobby Preston was part of the Preston team along with his sister, mother, cousins, etc. Preston enjoyed the event saying, “The Volley for Youth event was a great success! From a marketing stand point we gained exposure from over 100 local community members and were able to introduce them to the Scion brand. Being a member of this community, I am so pleased that Preston Toyota Scion and Scion were able to raise so much money for such a great cause. Lastly, I expected the event to be a lot of fun and it certainly lived up to the expectation, but I couldn't believe what a work out it was and how competitive it was as well. I'm confident this event will be successful in the years to come."

Overall, the event was very successful and enjoyed by many. Most importantly, $5,300 was raised to continue the New Castle Community YMCA’s efforts to benefit children in the community.

1 comment:

  1. like Preston Auto to encourage them to form teams of 3 males and 3 females to play and participate.

    west coast collision
