As a sort of follow up to my last post a week ago, I wanted to address Toyota just one more time. The Toyota brand name has taken a hit in the press and with some certain customers, but luckily with a name and quality like Toyota, some customers remain loyal.
That's why some people have teamed up to create the Loyal Toyota campaign. If you're on Facebook, you can check out the LOYALTOYOTA fan page to learn more. This fan page has created a forum of over 1,500 Toyota fans who are sticking up for the brand. A man who is not affiliated with Toyota Motors Company but just loves his Toyota Camry and the company so much created this page along with the Loyal Toyota campaign. The campaign primarily consists of the LOYALToYota bumper stickers which any e-Bay users may purchase. The stickers are used for people to simply show their support and of course loyalty to the company.
On the Facebook fan page, supporters and fans send in or post pictures showing off their Toyotas sporting the LOYALToYota bumper sticker. The campaign has also expanded into t-shirts and coffee mugs with the LOYALToYota logo on them. If you love your Preston Toyota and want everyone to know, purchase a LOYALToYota item here...http://www.cafepress.com/LOYALTOYOTA.
I did tell you last time that I drive a Toyota and come from a family of Toyota owners, so yes, my dad has already purchased the LOYALToYota bumper sticker.
We'd love to hear if you purchase an item, or just how much you love your Toyota!
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